| Data Dot for Scooters

You can now buy a handy pack to protect your pride and joy.

Scooter 11

If you’ve ever had that sinking feeling of going back to where you parked the scoot and fi nding nothing but empty space, then listen up.

DataDotDNA is a simple, spray-on identification aid, consisting of thousands of individually laser-encoded dots, each the size of a grain of sand, in a glue-like medium. Simply give the various components (like the inside of fairing panels, the frame, etc) a quick squirt, register your details on the website, by fax or by mail, and your bike is a rolling advertisement for your ownership.

The dots show up under UV light and mean that law enforcement agenies can quickly identify your scooter or its components, leading to a quick recovery. The kits come with a pressure pack, the DataDot pod, a warning sticker and all the instructions required for application.

To purchase a DataDot pod you can find them in all good scooter shops or inturn buy online at www.motorcycle-accessories.com.au under the security section. COST: $199.90

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